Vanna Claire Kaura through Constituted Attorney Mrs. Indeera Bawa V/s Gauri Anil Indulkar and Ors.

Information Type: Judicial Information
Court: Supreme Court
Date of Judgment(s): 2009-07-22
Case No: 14 of 2008
Case Type: Arbitration Petition
Judge Name: Dalveer Bhandari
Subject: Arbitration and Concilation
Statutes / Acts: Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Section: 11, 11(9)
Bench Strength: Double Bench
Advocate: A.M. Singhvi, Dinkar Singh and Irshad Ahmad (P) & P.H. Parekh, Sumit Goel, Shubhranshu Padhi, Vishal Prasad (R)
State of Appellant(s): Central Act
Equal Citation Details :

2010 2 AWC(Supp)1643SC, 2009(6)BomCR217, , JT2009(13)SC283, 2009(9)SCALE736, (2009)7SCC541, [2009]12SCR280, AIR2009SC3136, 2009 (76) ALR 815, 2010(6)ALT17(SC), (2009)4CompLJ54(SC)

Case Note / Description :

In my considered view, the dispute has arisen between the parties and it needs to be adjudicated and decided by an Arbitrator. Consequently, I request Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.N. Variava, a former Judge of this court to accept this Arbitration and adjudicate and decide the dispute which has arisen 10between the parties. The learned Arbitrator would be free to decide about his fee. This arbitration petition is accordingly disposed of with the direction to the parties to appear before Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.N. Variava, a former Judge of this court at 11 a.m. on 27th July, 2009 at Mumbai.  The Registry is directed to immediately communicate this order to the learned arbitrator to enable him to decide the arbitration matter as expeditiously as practicable.  Consequently, this arbitration petition is allowed and disposed of. In the peculiar facts and circumstances of this case, I direct the parties to bear their own costs.

Arbitration and Concilation Act, 1996

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