Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.

Information Type: Legislative Information
Subject: Service Law
Acts No: 1 of 1996
Acts Date: 2013-05-29
Acts Industry: Ministry of Empowerment and Social Justice
Case Note / Description :

The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995” has come into enforcement on February 7,1996. This law is an important landmark and is a significant step in the direction to ensure equal opportunities for people with disabilities and their full participation in the nation building. The Act provides for both preventive and promotional aspects of rehabilitation like education, employment and vocational training, reservation, research and manpower development,creation of barrier-free environment, rehabilitation of persons with disability, unemployment and establishment of homes for persons with severe disability, etc. This booklet aims at wider dissemination of the rights conferred upon by the Act. Main Provisions of the Act — Prevention and Early Detection of Disabilities. — Education. — Employment. — Non-discrimination. — Research and Manpower Development. — Affirmative Action. — Social Security. — Grievance Redressal

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