Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920

Information Type: Legislative Information
Acts No: 34 OF 1920
Acts Date: 1920-09-9
Acts Industry: Ministry of Home Affairs
Acts State: Central Act
Case Note / Description :

Short title and extent. 1. Short title and extent.- (1) This Act may be called 3*[the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920].  (2) It shall extend to 4*[the whole of India], 5***. 2. Definitions. 2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-  "entry" means entry by water, land or air;  "passport" means a passport for the time being in force  issued or renewed by the prescribed authority and satisfying the conditions prescribed relating to the class of passports to which it belongs; and  "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act.

The Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1920

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