Constituent Assembly Of India Debates (Proceedings)- Volume X (15 October 1949)

Information Type: Legislative Information
Lok Sabha Debate Type: Constituent Assembly Debate
Lok Sabha Date: 1949-10-15
Case Note / Description :

(1) When a motion that the Constitution be taken into consideration has been carried and the amendments to the Constitution moved have been considered, the President shall refer the Constitution as amended to the Drafting Committee referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 38-L with instructions to carry out such re-numbering of the clauses such revision of punctuation and such revision and completion of the marginal notes thereof as may be necessary, and to recommend such formal or consequential or other necessary amendments to the Constitution as may be required. (2) After the Constitution has been referred to the Drafting Committee, the report of the Committee shall be presented to the Assembly by the Chairman or any other member of the Drafting Committee and thereafter the Chairman or other member of the Committee may move that the amendments recommended by the Committee in the Constitution so referred to them be taken into consideration :Provided that no such motion shall be made until after the report of the Drafting Committee together with the copies of the Constitution as revised by them has been made available for the use of members and that any member may object to any such motion being made unless the report and the copies of the Constitution as so revised have been made available three clear days before the date on which the motion is made, and such objection shall prevail
unless the President in his discretion allows the motion to be made

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