Motion for introduction and passing of the Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 1999.

Information Type: Legislative Information
Lok Sabha Member: Yashwant Sinha
Lok Sabha Debate Type: Goverment Bill
Lok Sabha Session: XII-session IV ( February22 to March 18, 1999) and (April 15 to April 22, 1999)
Lok Sabha Date: 1999-03-16
Case Note / Description :

I beg to move for leave to introduce a Bill to provide for the withdrawal of certain sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the services of a part of the financial year, 1999-2000. SHRI VARKALA RADHAKRISHNAN (CHIRAYINKIL): I object to the introduction of this Bill and my objection may be recorded.MR. SPEAKER: Shri Varkala Radhakrishnan, not now. You could have raised your objection at the time of Discussion on Demands. SHRI VARKALA RADHAKRISHNAN (CHIRAYINKIL): I object under Rule 74. I may be permitted to submit that the Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 1999 was circulated only in the morning Session. MR. SPEAKER: Your name was called at that time. You were not in your seat. SHRI VARKALA RADHAKRISHNAN (CHIRAYINKIL): The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill is not a new thing. MR. SPEAKER: Shri Varkala Radhakrishnan, please take your seat. SHRI VARKALA RADHAKRISHNAN (CHIRAYINKIL): Whenever there is Committee system, there will be a Vote on Account. This is not a new thing. This should have been circulated earlier. But it has not been done. It is our right to go through it.

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