State of U.P. V/s Chhoteylal

Information Type: Judicial Information
Court: Supreme Court
Date of Judgment(s): 2011-01-14
Case No: 769 of 2006
Case Type: Appeal (Criminal)
Judge Name: Aftab Alam & R.M. Lodha
Subject: Criminal Law
Statutes / Acts: Indian Penal Code, 1860
Section: Indian Penal Code, 1860 : ss. 363, 366, 368 and 376
Bench Strength: Double Bench
Advocate: S.K. Dwivedi, AAG, S.N. Pandey, M.K. Dwivedi, Vandana Mishra et. al (P) & Vishal Arun, Adv. for Abhijit Sengupta (R)
State of Appellant(s): Uttar Pradesh
History of Case No: udgment and Order dated 11.03.2003 of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow in Criminal Appeal No. 484 of 1990
Equal Citation Details :

2011(1)ALD(Cri)691, 2011(1)JCC449(SC), JT2011(1)SC228, 2011(2)KCCRSN97, 2011(1)N.C.C.637, 2011(1)RCR(Civil)117, 2011(1)RCR(Criminal)443, 2011(1)SCALE454, (2011)2SCC550, (2011)2SCC(Cri)674, [2011]1SCR406, 2011(2)ACR1885(SC), 2011(1)ADJ738, AIR2011SC697

Case Note / Description :

We are constrained to observe that criminal justice system is not working in our country as it should. The police reforms have not taken place despite directions of this Court in the case of Prakash Singh & Ors. vs. Union of India & Ors. We do not intend to say anything more in this regard since matter is being dealt with separately by a 3-Judge Bench. The investigators hardly have professional orientation; they do not have modern tools. On many occasions impartial investigation suffers because of political interference. The criminal trials are protracted because of non-appearance of official witnesses on time and the non-availability of the facilities for recording evidence by video conferencing. The public prosecutors have their limitations; the defence lawyers do not make themselves available and the court would be routinely informed about their pre-occupation with other matters; the courts remain over burdened with the briefs listed on the day and they do not have adequate infrastructure. The adjournments thus become routine; the casualty is justice. It is imperative that the criminal cases relating to offences against the State, corruption, dowry death, domestic violence, sexual assault, financial fraud and cyber crimes are fast tracked and decided in a fixed time frame, preferably, of three years including the appeal provisions. It is high time that immediate and urgent steps are taken in amending the procedural and other laws to achieve the above objectives. We must remember that a strong and efficient criminal justice system is a guarantee to the rule of law and vibrant civil society.

Indian Penal Code, 1860

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