Bikram Dorjee V/s State of West Bengal

Information Type: Judicial Information
Court: Supreme Court
Date of Judgment(s): 2009-04-24
Case No: 827 of 2009
Case Type: Appeal (Criminal)
Judge Name: Arijit Pasayat & Asok Kumar Ganguly
Subject: Criminal Law-Kidnapping
Statutes / Acts: Indian Penal Code, 1860
Section: s. 304 (Part I)
Bench Strength: Double Bench
Advocate: Sree Narain Jha (P) & Tara Chandra Sharma & Neelam Sharma (R)
State of Appellant(s): West Bengal
History of Case No: From the Judgment AND Order dated 11.04.2008 of the High Court of Calcutta in CRLA No. 459 of 2004.
Equal Citation Details :


2009(2)ACR1734(SC), AIR2009SC2539, JT2009(7)SC325, 2009(6)SCALE325, (2009)14SCC233, [2009]6SCR884


Case Note / Description :

After giving due consideration to the facts and circumstances of each case, for deciding just and appropriate sentence to be awarded for an offence, the aggravating and mitigating factOTHERS and circumstances in which a crime has been committed are to be delicately balanced on the basis of really relevant circumstances in a dispassionate manner by the Court. [Para 8] [888-F-G] 2.3. In the absence of any foolproof formula which may provide any basis for reasonable criteria to correctly assess various circumstances germane to the consideration of gravity of crime, the discretionary judgment in the facts of each case, is the only way in which such judgment may be equitably distinguished. [Para 8] [888-H; 889-A-B] 2.4. The object should be to protect the society and to deter the criminal in achieving the avowed object of law by imposing appropriate sentence. It is expected that the Courts would operate the sentencing system so as to impose such sentence which reflects the conscience of the society and the sentencing process has to be stern where it should be. [Para 9] [889-C] 2.5. Imposition of sentence without considering its effect on the social order in many cases may be in reality a futile exercise. The social impact of the crime, e.g. where it relates to offences against women, dacoity, kidnapping, misappropriation of public money, treason and other offences involving moral turpitude or moral delinquency which have great impact on social order, and public interest, cannot be lost sight of and per se require exemplary treatment. Any liberal attitude by imposing meager sentences or taking too sympathetic view merely on account of lapse of time in respect of such offences will be result-wise counter productive in the long run and against societal interest which needs to be cared for and strengthened by string of deterrence inbuilt in the sentencing system. [Para 10] [889-D-F] 2.6. Court will be failing in its duty if appropriate punishment is not awarded for a crime which has been committed not only against the individual victim but also against the society to which the criminal and victim belong. The punishment to be awarded for a crime must not be irrelevant but it should conform to and be consistent with the atrocity and brutality with which the crime has been perpetrated, the enormity of the crime warranting public abhorrence and it should "respond to the society's cry for justice against the criminal.

Indian Penal Code, 1860

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