Sangeet & Anr. V/s State of Haryana

Information Type: Judicial Information
Court: Supreme Court
Date of Judgment(s): 2012-11-20
Case No: 490-491 OF 2011
Case Type: Appeal (Criminal)
Judge Name: K.S. Radhakrishnan & Madan B. Lokur
Subject: Criminal Law - Honour Killing
Statutes / Acts: Indian Penal Code, 1860 & Arms Act, 1959
Bench Strength: Double Bench
State of Appellant(s): Haryana
Case Note / Description :

Court is of the opinion that in cases such as the present, there is considerable uncertainty on the punishment to be awarded in capital offences – whether it should be life imprisonment or death sentence. In our opinion, due to this uncertainty, awarding a sentence of life imprisonment, in cases such as the present is not unquestionably foreclosed. More so when, in this case, there is no evidence (contrary to the conclusion of the High Court) that  Seema’s body was burnt by Sandeep from below the waist with a view to destroy evidence of her having been subjected to sexual harassment and rape. There is also no evidence (again contrary to the conclusion of the High Court) that Narender was a professional killer. 82. Therefore, we allow these appeals to the extent that the death penalty awarded to the appellants is converted into a sentence of life imprisonment, subject to what we have said above. We place on record our appreciation for the efforts put in by both learned counsel for the assistance rendered in this case.  

Indian Penal Code, 1860                    Arms Act, 1959

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